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Lavender Line

Just Between Girlz™

All users must be 18 years or older

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Safety Tips

Lavender Line Safety Tips

Lavender Line is a safe and confidential system offering a fun place to talk with other women. It’s a great place to voice your personality and make instant, genuine connections. Whether you decide to chat or meet, please use sound judgment and be responsible for your conduct. Common sense is your best safety tool.

Start Slow

Watch out for someone who seems too good to be true. Begin by communicating solely via Lavender Line, then look for odd behavior or inconsistencies. The person at the other end may not be who or what she says. Trust your instincts. If anything makes you uncomfortable, walk away for your own safety and protection.

Guard your Anonymity

All conversations between Lavender Line members take place through our confidential system, ensuring your true identity is protected until you decide to reveal it. Never include your last name, email address, home address, phone number, place of work or any other identifying information in your personal greetings or messages. Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it.

Meet when YOU are ready

You never are obligated to meet anyone. And even if you decide to arrange a meeting, you always have the right to change your mind. It’s possible that your decision to keep anonymous is based on a hunch that you can’t logically explain. Trust yourself. Go with your instincts. Lavender Line assumes no responsibility for personal meetings.

Exercise Caution & Common Sense

Guard against trusting the untrustworthy; people must earn your trust gradually, through consistently honorable, forthright behavior. Take all the time you need to test for a trustworthy person and pay careful attention along the way. If you suspect someone is lying, she probably is, so act accordingly. If you mutually decide to take your relationship to the next level, be smart and protect yourself.

Do a Little Digging

Because privacy is of the highest importance at Lavender Line, we don’t conduct background checks on our members. We instead encourage members to do their own research prior to meeting. We recommend getting as much info as possible by asking questions, utilizing Internet search engines and most importantly, using common sense. Nothing is 100% reliable, just remember to use your head as well as your heart. If you encounter someone underage, please be responsible and alert our customer service team.

Watch for Red Flags

Pay attention to displays of anger, intense frustration or attempts to pressure or control you. Acting in a passive-aggressive manner, making demeaning or disrespectful comments or any physically inappropriate behavior are all red flags. You should be concerned if your date exhibits any of the following behavior without providing an acceptable explanation:

  • Provides inconsistent information about age, interests, appearance, marital status, profession, employment, etc.
  • Fails to provide direct answers to direct questions.

Meet in a Safe Place

If you choose to meet, always tell a friend where you are going and when you will return. Leave your date’s name and telephone number with your friend. Never arrange for your date to pick you up at home. Provide your own transportation, meet in a public place at a time with many people around (a familiar restaurant or coffee shop is often a good choice). Refrain from drinking excessively, as it could impair your ability to make good decisions. If at some point you and your date decide to move to another location, consider taking your own car.

Take Extra Caution Outside your Area

If you are flying in from another city, arrange for your own car and hotel room. Do not disclose the name of your hotel and never allow your date to make the arrangements for you. Call your date from the hotel or meet at the location you have already agreed to. If the location seems inappropriate or unsafe, trust your instincts. Always make sure a friend or family member knows your plans and has your contact information. And if possible, carry a mobile phone at all times.

Get Yourself out of a Jam

Never do anything that makes you feel unsure or unsafe. Use your best judgment to diffuse the situation and get out of there. Excuse yourself to call a friend for advice, ask someone else on the scene for help or just leave. Never worry or feel embarrassed about your behavior; your safety is much more important than one person’s opinion of you.

Do you have any questions?

Call our friendly Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-607-0526 or send us an email with our contact form, and we'll get back to you within one business day.

Forgot your membership number or passcode?

Contact customer service toll-free at 1-800-607-0526.

For your security, membership numbers are never provided by email.

Just Between Girlz™

© Teligence Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

All models and members of Lavender Line are 18 years or older.